What goes up...

is often a lot of hot air. In my mind I soar like an eagle, but my friends say I waddle like a duck.

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Location: No Man's Land, Disputed Ground

Flights of Fancy on the Winds of Whimsy

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Abnormal service will be resumed shortly

Which is my way of saying "I'll be back", but without the Arnie accent. Or muscles. Or mad grin. Not that I've got anything actually against him. I laughed at "Twins", and not just at him being paired with Danny De Vito. There were some genuinely memorable lines in that film. "I did not hurt him, the pavement was his enemy". But I couldn't say the same about "Total Recall", or the Terminator series.

So where have I been? Same place. What have I been doing? Trying to be normal. That was where it all began to go wrong. I did try to blog a couple of times, but I really don't want to be yet another whiner in the wind. There are already enough voices pointing out that this country is shite, I don't want to waste my time joining in with them.

Mostly, I've been trying to resurrect my eccentric bicycle. Even though I hadn't ridden it for years, it was always in the back of my mind that I could, if I wanted to, go out, pump up the tyres, tuck my trouser cuffs into my socks, and ride off to anywhere I felt like. The realisation that the bicycle was in serious need of work before it could even go to the end of the road and back made me wake up, and I slipped back into normality for a while as I sought, vainly, to come up with the money to pay someone else to mend it for me.

Now that I know I'm not going to get funds falling out of the sky, I've knuckled down and started acting crazy again. I'll mend it, and I'll mend it my way.



Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Better funds falling from the sky than bicycles.

3:57 pm  
Blogger Sopwith-Camel said...

Or Arnies and Dannies.

8:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to know you're not dead! FFS buy yourself a grown up bike ain't you a bit old for a trike.

4:03 am  
Blogger Sopwith-Camel said...

"He is not dead, merely reeking".

Thanks for the sentiments. As far as growing up goes, I intend to remain young at heart while I still have hair on my head and teeth in my gums :)

3:58 pm  
Blogger Richard said...

Isn't the internet small. I came here after looking up "Virol Malt Extract" and find folk I know from elsewhere.

3:09 pm  
Blogger P. said...

Or mad grin

Oh I dunno. ;)

3:38 pm  

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